Kat's Fanfiction

WARNING: Some of these fics contains adult situations and language. I do not have any rating system attached to them; so if you aren't prepared to read things that contain sex (including m/m sex), etc., please do not read them.

Also, these are works of FICTION. They do NOT, in any way, represent reality. The names, descriptions and occupations of the Boys in these fics are the only things that they hold in common with the real Backstreet Boys. All the rest is characterization.

Full Stories (more than 1 chapter)

Quit Playing Games
In Name Only
The Kat Came Back
Howie's Birthday
In Deep Waters
The Album Fics

Visuals/Shorts (1 Chapter)

In The Dark Climbing the Walls
Regrets Hitting Bottom
Change of Scene A Different Tack
Losing Faith Mr. Nasty
Salad Days Challenge Story
First Apartment
Cleaning House

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